National Pension Insurance plan 国民年金

The outline of National Pension insurance plan

The National Pension Insurance Plan "国民年金" covers the Type 1 insureds. The Type 1 insureds are prescribed in the National Pension Act. Japanese residents at the age from 20 through 60 in principle, who are not covered by the Employees' Pension Insurance plan, are categorized into this insured type.

In case you pay the insurance premiums for 40 years from the age of 20 through 60, you shall receive the annual pension benefits of about 800 thousand yen, since you reach the qualifiable age. The qualifiable age is primarily 65 years old. The pension amount depends on the length of the period during which the each insured really contributes the premiums.

You have to pay the premiums for at least 10 years, to be qualified as the pension beneficiary. In connection with this rule, you can claim to extend the premiums payments period up to 5 years if the payment period is shorter then 10 years when you reach the age of 60. If you were born before April 1965, the extensible period shall be prolonged up to 10 years.

〔In Japanese〕



Enrollment Procedures

The enrollment in the National Pension insurance plan is mandatory for eligible people.
When a Japanese resident gets 20 years old, the enrollment procedures are settled by a Public pension office and a notification letter to shall be sent to him/her. The public pension office is the branch of the Public Pension service "日本年金機構", an affiliated body of the Ministry of Health, Labour, and Welfare.

In case a Japanese resident quits the applicable working place and withdraws from the Employees' Pension insurance plan, he/she are supposed to take necessary procedures in order to join the National Pension insurance plan by themselves. The submission of an appropriate application at the municipal office shall be required.

[In Japanese]

Insurance premiums

The insurance premiums for the National Pension Insurance Plan is imposed on the each insured, and the amount is common to all the insureds regardless of age, gender or income level. The premiums amount for 2022 is 16,590yen per month.

This plan has several rules to allow exemptions or reductions of the premiums for people who have financial difficulties. Given you are an employment income earner, you may possibly claim the application of these preferential treatments when your yearly earnings amount is no more than 2 million yen. If it is too difficult for you to pay the monthly premiums, you shall contact a consulting desk of the relevant bureau.

You shall pay the premiums with payment slips sent to you from the bureau, at a bank counter or a convenient store. But I recommend the payment by the automatic transfer from your bank account.

〔In Japanese〕
第1号被保険者は、その年齢や性別、所得水準にかかわらず、同額の保険料の納付を求められます。2022年の保険料は、月額16,590円となっています。 ただし、納付が困難である人については、保険料の減免規定が設けられています。給与所得者については、 年間の給与額が2百万円以下の場合などには、これらの減免規定が適用される場合があります。もし、月々の保険料納付が難しいようでしたら、相談窓口で相談をしてみてください。

この保険料は、年金事務所から送付される納付書によって、金融機関やコンビニエントストアで月々支払うのが原則です。 しかし、預金口座からの自動引落とすることがお勧めです。

Deduction at the income tax calculation

The premiums of the National Pension Insurance plan are deductible from the taxable income. The pension bureau sends a Certificate of Premiums to the each insured who contributes the premiums, usually in November. You have to submit the certificate to the tax office (for tax filing) or your employer (for the year-end adjustment) to claim the deduction. Therefore, you have to be careful not to lose the certificate. Instead, you can download the certification data from the "Myna portal" and electronically submit it for the tax purpose.

[In Japanese]
国民年金の保険料は、課税所得の計算上、控除することができます。 年金事務所は、保険料の納付者に対して、毎年11月頃に国民年金保険料控除証明書を発行しています。 所得税の確定申告にあたっては税務署に、年末調整の場合は雇い主に、この控除証明書を提出することになりますので、この国民年金保険料控除証明書は、なくさずにとっておかなければなりません。あるいは、マイナポータルから控除証明書データを入手し、その電子データによって税務手続きを進めることも可能です。